We just wanted to take a second and thank you for your generous support of the ministries of our church. Because of you everything we do is possible.
Contributions can be made online via Vanco:
Thank you for all your support!
Thank you so much for your support in our ministry. We take each offering as a major blessing to what we are trying to accomplish. We have been called by God to do great things in and around our community and none of it would be possible without your financial support. Every penny of your donation will be put to great use for God's work in our lives. We pray and thank God for our congregation everyday. Without you all there would be no church. You are the church.
Alternate ways to give financially to us
Other ways to give
While your financial support is much appreciated, there are other ways you can give to the church. We understand that everyone may not be able to give as much as they would like. We understand. If you are still looking for ways to serve we provided a list below of some options to give of your time. Anything you could do would be ever so greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your continued support. God bless.
Tech Team
Streaming online worship services requires at least one additional person each week to work the computer to start, record and monitor the streaming, smoothly manage through any technical difficulties, edit the recorded service upload to YouTube; and to monitor the Facebook feed and respond to posts. Many thanks to Larry and Marci Kacyon and Lil Schorr for their dedication to get our worship online – on Facebook and on the website for the past several months. If you are: tech/computer savvy AND audio/video familiar or social media literate AND brand management conscious, and would like to serve with our online mission, consider joining the Tech Team.